MadebyJP Production Studio Blog

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The album is finished!

Feb 19, 2023 | Music Journal

Shew, Finally, the album is finished. It’s been uploaded to my distributor and there’s no going back now. I have to say that it’s been one hell of an emotional rollercoster. No joke!

I mean two full years of writing songs, recording, producing, mixing, learning, mixing more, and mastering. Its a lot more than I thought it’d be. The hardest part of the whole process is wondering “Is it good enough?” That’s always my number one question when I’m working on a song. I keep adding and writing and re-writing, re-recording trying to get the best out of a song possible. To me that is what music is all about. Trying to capture the best performance of a song and make it sound good at the same time. I think that I did that in this album.

At the end of the day I can say that “I did the absolute best to my abilities”. And I think that’s “Is good enough”. At least I’m happy right!?

My main driving goal started out very simple: I wanted to yell at my Alexa and ask her to play a song by me. I wanted to go to a friends house and say, “Hey ‘whatever device they have’, Play ‘I Don’t Mind by John P.'” and it play my song. That was it.

I can say without a doubt that I have achieved my goal. I haven’t actually gone anywhere that I can do that, but to know that its 100% possible is what matters!!

I really hope the album sounds like I put a lot of time and effort to make each song sound the way it does. I hope that people notice that I definitely know my way around every instrument on the album. That I can write a decent song that’s worth listening to. I am bound by no genre!

I hope that people will like my music as much as I did creating it, and as I do now.

I just want people to think that I’m talented. =)

If anyone is interested in Pre-Saving the album, here is the link:


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