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Louisville artist, John P., releases powerhouse debut single “The First Time” : A song for lovers.

Jun 13, 2022 | Press Releases

The First Time Single Album Art(Louisville Kentucky) Louisville artist John P. has released his major debut single, “The First Time” on all major streaming platforms and online music stores.

The song features unique vocal harmony mixed with electronic sounds that create a unique ebb and flow through out the song. With a heart pounding beat and a guitar lead straight out of the 80s this song is a “sonic masterpiece”.

The unique use of modern synths and electronic drums with old school style guitar along side hypnotizing vocal harmonies make this one of the most unique releases of the summer.

About the song from the Artist:
This song was written after a close call with my health last year. I wrote the song to my partner to let him know how much he meant to me just in case anything happened. We had had a few rough years that we had finally worked through and I think the lyrics reflect the exact message I was trying to give to him.

“It feels like the first time, like I’m falling in love again”

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